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Hard-Line Quotes

See the gallery for tag and special word "Hard-Line". You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
Hard-Line quote #1
Hard-Line quote #2

I'm not a hard-line Republican, because I'm a lot more open-minded than that.

Tags: Republican  ✍ Author: James Denton

Look, the hard-line Jewish position is based, to this day, on the idea that the Palestinian Arabs somehow or other will either accept third-class status, or they will pick up and go away. Now, this isn't happening.

Tags: Accept, Away, Idea  ✍ Author: Arthur Hertzberg

I have been described by one of my colleagues as a 'militant agnostic' with my tagline, 'I don't know, and neither do you!' I take this hard-line, fence-sitting position because it is the only position consistent with both my scientific ethos and my conscience.

Tags: Agnostic, Both, Conscience  ✍ Author: Brian Schmidt

I'm a very hard-line, angry atheist. Yet I am fascinated by the concept of devotion.

Tags: Angry, Atheist, Devotion  ✍ Author: Joss Whedon

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Hard-Line quote #2
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Hard-Line quote #2
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