Herbert Croly's Quotes

Born: 1970-01-01
Profession: Author
Nation: American
Biography of Herbert Croly
When the Promise of American life is conceived as a national ideal, whose fulfillment is a matter of artful and laborious work, the effect thereof is substantially to identify the national purpose with the social problem.
Tags: Life, Problem, WorkOur country was thereby saved from the consequences of its distracting individualistic conception of democracy, and its merely legal conception of nationality. It was because the followers of Jackson and Douglas did fight for it, that the Union was preserved.
Tags: Democracy, Fight, LegalThe interest which lay behind Federalism was that of well-to-do citizens in a stable political and social order, and this interest aroused them to favor and to seek some form of political organization which was capable of protecting their property and promoting its interest.
Tags: Order, Political, SocialAmerican history contains much matter for pride and congratulation, and much matter for regret and humiliation.
Tags: History, Pride, RegretDemocracy may mean something more than a theoretically absolute popular government, but it assuredly cannot mean anything less.
Tags: Government, May, MeanHad it not been for the Atlantic Ocean and the virgin wilderness, the United States would never have been the Land of Promise.
Tags: Ocean, Promise, UnitedIn Jefferson's mind democracy was tantamount to extreme individualism.
Tags: Democracy, Extreme, MindOf course, Americans have no monopoly of patriotic enthusiasm and good faith.
Tags: Enthusiasm, Faith, GoodThe only fruitful promise of which the life of any individual or any nation can be possessed, is a promise determined by an ideal.
Tags: Individual, Life, NationI am not a prophet in any sense of the word, and I entertain an active and intense dislike of the foregoing mixture of optimism, fatalism, and conservatism.
Tags: Optimism, Sense, WordLet it be immediately added, however, that this economic independence and prosperity has always been absolutely associated in the American mind with free political institutions.
Tags: Free, Mind, PoliticalSo far I, at least, have no fault to find with implications of Hamilton's Federalism, but unfortunately his policy was in certain other respects tainted with a more doubtful tendency.
Tags: Far, Fault, PolicyThe adoption by Jefferson and the Republicans of the political structure of their opponents is of an importance hardly inferior to that of the adoption of the Constitution by the states.
Tags: Importance, Political, StructureThe American economic, political, and social organization has given to its citizens the benefits of material prosperity, political liberty, and a wholesome natural equality; and this achievement is a gain, not only to Americans, but to the world and to civilization.
Tags: Equality, Liberty, PoliticalThe combination of Federalism and Republicanism which formed the substance of the system, did not constitute a progressive and formative political principle, but it pointed in the direction of a constructive formula.
Tags: Direction, Political, SystemThe Constitution was the expression not only of a political faith, but also of political fears. It was wrought both as the organ of the national interest and as the bulwark of certain individual and local rights.
Tags: Both, Faith, PoliticalThe first phase of American political history was characterized by the conflict between the Federalists and the Republicans, and it resulted in the complete triumph of the latter.
Tags: Between, History, PoliticalThe higher American patriotism, on the other hand, combines loyalty to historical tradition and precedent with the imaginative projection of an ideal national Promise.
Tags: American, Loyalty, PatriotismThe moral and social aspiration proper to American life is, of course, the aspiration vaguely described by the word democratic; and the actual achievement of the American nation points towards an adequate and fruitful definition of the democratic ideal.
Tags: American, Life, MoralThe more consciously democratic Americans became, however, the less they were satisfied with a conception of the Promised Land, which went no farther than a pervasive economic prosperity guaranteed by free institutions.
Tags: Economic, Free, LessThe years between 1800 and 1825 were distinguished, so far as our domestic development was concerned, by the growth of the Western pioneer Democracy in power and self-consciousness.
Tags: Between, Democracy, PowerTo the European immigrant - that is, to the aliens who have been converted into Americans by the advantages of American life - the Promise of America has consisted largely in the opportunity which it offered of economic independence and prosperity.
Tags: America, American, LifeUnless the great majority of Americans not only have, but believe they have, a fair chance, the better American future will be dangerously compromised.
Tags: American, Future, GreatWhen Jefferson and the Republicans rallied to the Union and to the existing Federalist organization, the fabric of traditional American democracy was almost completely woven.
Tags: Almost, American, Democracy