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Ignatius Loyola's Quotes

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Born: 1970-01-01
Profession: Clergyman
Nation: Spanish
Biography of Ignatius Loyola

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Ignatius Loyola's quote #5

Considering that the blessed life we so long for consists in an intimate and true love of God Our Creator and Lord, which binds and obliges us all to a sincere love.

Tags: God, Life, Love

The principal end both of my father and of myself in the conquest of India... has been the propagation of the holy Catholic faith.

Tags: End, Faith, Father

So with that will prompt and prepared to serve all those whom I perceive to be servants of my Lord, I will speak of three things with simplicity and love as if I were speaking to my own soul.

Tags: Love, Soul, Speak

Taiwan and China are related ethnically and close neighbors geographically. There's no reason to resent or to fight against each other.

Tags: Against, Fight, Reason

Taiwan is democratic.

Tags: Democratic, Taiwan

Taiwan's democracy has grown very fast and we enjoy a certain degree of freedom, as other developed democracies like the United States.

Tags: Democracy, Enjoy, Freedom

In 2005, I founded the Democratic Pacific Union, an international organization of 28 democratic countries to promote democracy, peace and prosperity in the Pacific region.

Tags: Democracy, Peace, Union

Taiwan matters because of its vital role in spreading democracy in East Asia. Taiwan matters because of its strategic importance to promote peace in the Pacific region.

Tags: Democracy, Matters, Peace

I started writing seriously when I was a teenager, around 14 years old.

Tags: Old, Started, Writing

It feels like it's the end of the world if you don't do well on your SATs.

Tags: End, Feels

I don't think anything really consciously went into 'Legend' that was influenced by videogames, but I'm pretty sure some of my experiences and love for gaming contributed to a few of the factors that are in 'Legend'.

Tags: Few, Love, Pretty
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