Immaterial Quotes
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I am acquainted with no immaterial sensuality so delightful as good acting.
Tags: Acting, Delightful, Good ✍ Author: Lord ByronIt's my goal to make a building as immaterial as possible. Architecture is a very material thing. It takes a lot of resources, so why not eliminate what you don't need as long as you're able to achieve the same result?
Tags: Able, Goal, Why ✍ Author: Helmut JahnTime is only an idea. There is only the Reality. Whatever you think it is, it looks like that. If you call it time, it is time. If you call it existence, it is existence, and so on. After calling it time, you divide it into days and nights, months, years, hours, minutes, etc. Time is immaterial for the Path of Knowledge.
Tags: Knowledge, Reality, Time ✍ Author: Ramana Maharshi