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Improvisation Quotes

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Improvisation quote #1
Improvisation quote #2

Even if you're improvising, the fact that beforehand you know certain things will work helps you make those improvisations successful. It really helps to have a certain amount of knowledge about musical structure.

Tags: Knowledge, Successful, Work  ✍ Author: John Cale

Ben was more improvisational, and relied less on methodology, and basically is a guitarist who switched to bass, whereas Jeff has a more traditional approach to playing bass in a band, and has a great sense of what his band sounds like, and we lock up nicely.

Tags: Great, Less, Sense  ✍ Author: Matt Cameron

Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails, but that's what we face when we're dealing with improvisation.

Tags: Face, Sometimes, Works  ✍ Author: Jan Garbarek

The only element of jazz that I keep is improvisation.

Tags: Element, Jazz, Keep  ✍ Author: Jan Garbarek

The only band I was really over-into was Cream. And the only thing I really liked about them was their live stuff 'cause they played two verses, then go off and jam for 20 minutes, come back and do a chorus and end. And I love the live jam stuff, the improvisation.

Tags: End, Love, Off  ✍ Author: Eddie Van Halen

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