Intellectualism Quotes
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Only here, because of the illusion of intellectualism, our society separates the validity of human expression.
Tags: Here, Human, Society ✍ Author: Joseph JarmanGive me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism.
Tags: Coping, Give, Mechanism ✍ Author: Chuck PalahniukI think it is important for readers to know that it is possible to bring intellectualism and idealism to the White House and still be political enough to advance an agenda.
Tags: Enough, Political, Possible ✍ Author: A. Scott BergSystematic philosophical and practical anti-intellectualism such as we are witnessing appears to be something truly novel in the history of human culture.
Tags: Culture, History, Human ✍ Author: Johan HuizingaAnti-intellectualism has long been the anti-Semitism of the businessman.
Tags: Easy, Retrospect ✍ Author: Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.