Intrigued Quotes
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I am absolutely intrigued by life, and I really want to hold onto it.
Tags: Hold, Life ✍ Author: Diane KeatonI think we're always intrigued by things we're not familiar with.
Tags: Familiar ✍ Author: Navid NegahbanI've always been intrigued by the Senate, and admired many of the people who have served there.
Tags: Admired, Senate ✍ Author: Hillary ClintonYou know what I'm intrigued by? Like, space and wormholes and Stephen Hawking's theories and Richard Dawkins's theories. That's what I care about.
Tags: Care, Space ✍ Author: Peaches GeldofI have always been intrigued by these lives I have never experienced.
Tags: Lives ✍ Author: Daniel Day-LewisI've always been intrigued by the supernatural.
✍ Author: Leslie MannAll I know is that I am constantly intrigued by something I'm doing.
Tags: Constantly ✍ Author: William Shatner