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Itching Quotes

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I think we match up with anybody because our pitching. In a short series you run your big three out there or four out there. That generally is what wins a series - pitching and defense. If we can catch the ball and not give away any runs like we do sometimes.

Tags: Give, Short, Sometimes  ✍ Author: Dusty Baker

No, I think the pitching today has more depth.

Tags: Depth, Pitching, Today  ✍ Author: Elizabeth Banks

It would be a lot different for me because there is a lot of information that you need to know about as a player. How pitchers are pitching you, how defenses are playing, certain situations about certain pitchers.

Tags: Player, Playing, Situations  ✍ Author: Elizabeth Banks

Laughter is day, and sobriety is night; a smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both, more bewitching than either.

Tags: Laughter, Night, Smile  ✍ Author: Henry Ward Beecher

I would like to host a show, something like travel or cooking or something like that, something I'm really interested in, and so I'm pitching a couple television shows.

Tags: Cooking, Show, Travel  ✍ Author: Trishelle Cannatella

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