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James Toback's Quotes

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Born: 1944-11-23
Profession: Director
Nation: American
Biography of James Toback

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James Toback's quote #1
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James Toback's quote #3

I know a star when I see one.

Tags: Star

I write fast, I write beautifully, I write convincingly.

Tags: Fast, Write

Most of my movies get about a third raves, a third vicious attacks, and a third in-between.

Tags: Movies, Third, Vicious

The idea that there aren't mistakes made constantly in the judicial system is too obvious even to need to mention.

Tags: Idea, Mistakes, System

You will never convince anyone to do anything unless you believe it should be done.

Tags: Anyone, Done, Unless

Use people whom you're excited by and who share your excitement... The ideal collaboration is one in which the actor and director are saying to each other, 'I can't believe how lucky we are to be making a movie together.'

Tags: Making, Saying, Together
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