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Jean-Luc Bilodeau's Quotes

Jean-Luc Bilodeau profile photo

Born: 1990-11-04
Profession: Actor
Nation: Canadian
Biography of Jean-Luc Bilodeau

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Jean-Luc Bilodeau's quote #1

L.A. will never be a hockey town. I'm a huge hockey fan, and people out here do not appreciate hockey as much as they should. I've always been into it. I'm Canadian; that's my sport for sure.

Tags: Here, Hockey, Sure

My music library has about every genre of music possible. I've really gotten into Ray LaMontagne, He makes amazing music, so I listen to him, and he's a great artist.

Tags: Amazing, Great, Music
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Jean-Luc Bilodeau's quote #1
Jean-Luc Bilodeau's quote #1
Jean-Luc Bilodeau's quote #1
Jean-Luc Bilodeau's quote #1
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