Keep Talking Quotes
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I don't know now if I'm funny. I just keep talking and hope that I hit something that's funny.
Tags: Funny, Hope, Keep ✍ Author: Craig FergusonI want to keep talking about my people and my country in my own language.
Tags: Country, Keep, Language ✍ Author: Nadine LabakiIt's okay if you finish cooking something easy after your guests arrive - some dishes must be prepared a la minute, as chefs say. Just remember to keep talking.
Tags: After, Keep, Remember ✍ Author: Ted AllenWhatever the press is talking about, they want to keep talking about it. So instead of asking yourself, 'How can I get them to start talking about me?', figure out a way to get yourself involved in what they're already talking about.
Tags: Keep, Start, Yourself ✍ Author: Brian CheskyMy focus as part of the leadership is to keep talking about the independent voters, independent voters - how do we get the independent voters back?
Tags: Focus, Keep, Leadership ✍ Author: Henry Cuellar