Lays Quotes
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If a child plays sport early in childhood, and doesn't give it up, he will play sport for the rest of his life. And if children have a connection with, and are involved in the preparation of, the food they eat, then it will be normal for them to cook these kind of meals, and they will go on cooking them for the rest of their lives.
Tags: Children, Food, Life ✍ Author: Ferran AdriaI play a lot of Playstation, and always trying to look pretty for the girls.
Tags: Pretty, Trying ✍ Author: Freddy AduShaw's plays are the price we pay for Shaw's prefaces.
Tags: Pay, Plays, Price ✍ Author: James AgateI shall never believe that God plays dice with the world.
Tags: Dice, God, Shall ✍ Author: Albert EinsteinIf one plays good music, people don't listen and if one plays bad music people don't talk.
Tags: Bad, Good, Music ✍ Author: Oscar Wilde