Lexa Doig's Quotes

Born: 1973-06-08
Profession: Actress
Nation: Canadian
Biography of Lexa Doig
Thongs don't show. With jeans, you're always going to get panty lines and I think that's just a big mistake.
Tags: Big, Mistake, ShowI did some artistic nudes when I was I 8 with a French-Canadian photographer while I was modeling. They were beautiful shots, and they were not about nudity.
Tags: Beautiful, Modeling, WhileI had cleavage that would make Dolly Parton proud. But those things are really heavy and I'm pretty slight of frame, so I took them out. No one even noticed.
Tags: Pretty, Proud, TookI thought I wanted to be a brain surgeon until I realized all the schooling it required. I didn't like school very much so I had to come up with something else.
Tags: Brain, School, ThoughtI was actually a bit disappointed about the amount of sex in the show. I think Backus should get out a bit more, get a relationship, perhaps make her a lesbian.
Tags: Her, Lesbian, SexMy relationships with my loved ones always take precedence over work.
Tags: Loved, Precedence, WorkFor the past 10 years, people have been making fun of the eighties. Why are we bringing them back?
Tags: Fun, Past, WhyI sit on my duff, smoke cigarettes and watch TV. I'm not exactly a poster girl for healthy living.
Tags: Girl, Health, LivingI toyed with the idea of pursuing a career as a lawyer just because I like to argue.
Tags: Career, Idea, LawyerI'm determined to be a diva.
Tags: Determined, DivaI'm off to save the universe again. It's a tough job but someone has to do it, and I'm glad it's me.
Tags: Job, Someone, ToughI'm totally on a mission to find my signature scent, but I'm too mercurial.
Tags: Mission, Scent, SignatureIt doesn't matter if you're staying at a four-star hotel, you will never have your whole closet with you.
Tags: Hotel, Matter, WholeIt doesn't take much to make me happy.
Tags: HappyVisit partners pages
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Seppuku is Japanese for ritual suicide. I thought, What a cute name for a coat.
Tags: Cute, Name, ThoughtThe idea of running around and screaming about Jason Voorhees trying to kill you was fun.
Tags: Fun, Idea, TryingThe idea of taking off my shoes and trying on all these clothes is so exhausting, I just leave.
Tags: Idea, Off, TryingThe thing about Canada is, you're not really considered a Canadian actor unless you do something with the CBC.
Tags: Actor, Canada, UnlessAs an artist, you are aware there is this strange money market out there, but you have no sense of how it works.
Tags: Money, Sense, StrangeI don't think money can help you become a better painter, for sure. You can have all the studios you want; it won't help you make a better painting.
Tags: Become, Help, MoneyI've always been an outsider. Even in London. If I returned to Scotland, I'd feel a complete foreigner.
Tags: Complete, London, OutsiderIt's not about perfection. What's a perfect painting? What's interesting about a perfect painting?
Tags: Painting, Perfect, PerfectionIt's still an escape for me, painting, so it also takes me elsewhere. I don't think I would do it otherwise.
Tags: Escape, Painting, TakesWhat is bad painting? Picabia made some deliberately bad paintings, but they were by him, so great in a way.
Tags: Bad, Great, HimI do feel Scottish in some way. Maybe it's to do with visiting my grandparents here every summer as a child, but I am aware of my Scottish ancestry. It's there all right, but it would be pushing it to label me a Scottish painter. Or, indeed, an anywhere painter.
Tags: Child, Here, MaybeI think if I was Trinidadian, I would latch more on to the myths and romanticise the place more. I don't think it's my place to do that - they're not really mine. I'm an outsider.
Tags: Mine, Outsider, PlaceIf you are someone like Jeff Koons, and you have to work out how to make a big chrome heart or something, then there are lots of people and a big production involved. The money is more natural somehow. For me, I am just on my own in the studio, trying to make things work. One thing is sure: it doesn't make painting any easier.
Tags: Heart, Money, Work