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Licensing Quotes

See the gallery for tag and special word "Licensing". You can to use those 6 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
Licensing quote #1
Licensing quote #2

As a medical doctor who chose a career in artificial heart technology rather than clinical practice, I decided not to take an internship, which is required for licensing. Instead, I work with invention, manufacturing, regulatory affairs, and clinical application of artificial hearts.

Tags: Medical, Technology, Work  ✍ Author: Robert Jarvik

There's definitely some sort of dissent brewing between labels, publishing companies and artists. A lot of it has to do with older licensing schemes.

Tags: Artists, Between, Older  ✍ Author: Sarah Jessica Parker

Qmail out of the box works fine, so people will want to use it regardless of licensing restrictions, even when the software does not ship with their system software.

Tags: Fine, System, Works  ✍ Author: Terry Venables

It's hard to juggle being a businessperson with being a creative person. You have to organize yourself - PR needs me for PR, and the licensing division needs me for licensing, the bridal people need me for bridal.

Tags: Creative, Hard, Yourself  ✍ Author: Vera Wang

I have to get a licence to drive a motorcycle to protect myself and the people around me. I am adamant there should be some sort of licensing required to have children.

Tags: Children, Drive, Motorcycle  ✍ Author: Tim Allen

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