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Long Period Quotes

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Long Period quote #1
Long Period quote #2

Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.

Tags: Death, Small, Time  ✍ Author: George Carlin

I think the real reason for my improvement is because I had such a long period in the off-season just working as hard as I could on all my new dives; making sure I did lots of repetition to get them consistent.

Tags: Hard, Real, Working  ✍ Author: Tom Daley

Most of my life I've had long periods of feeling down and lost. That's why every five years or so I've smashed my life to pieces and started again.

Tags: Feeling, Life, Lost  ✍ Author: Siobhan Fahey

We have domesticated crops over a very long period of time, like tens of thousands of years. And crops get - seeds get carried. Sometimes, if they're very small seeds, they get scattered off trucks. Pollen travels.

Tags: Small, Sometimes, Time  ✍ Author: Roger Federer

For a long period in my life - it lasted about 10 years - I had writer's block.

Tags: Life, Period, Writer  ✍ Author: Mary Garden

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Long Period quote #2
Long Period quote #2
Long Period quote #2
Long Period quote #2
Long Period quote #2
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