Lucille Ball Quotes
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Growing up I wanted to be a mixture of Audrey Hepburn and Lucille Ball. Apparently I told my mum when I was eight that I wanted to be an actor.
Tags: Actor, Growing, Wanted ✍ Author: Dianna AgronThe reason I do what I do is because I was influenced by Steve Martin, by Woody Allen, by Bob Newhart, by Carol Burnett, by Lucille Ball.
Tags: Ball, Influenced, Reason ✍ Author: Ellen DeGeneresI loved Julia Louis-Dreyfus's show 'The New Adventures of Old Christine.' That made me laugh out loud. She's like Lucille Ball. She's brilliant.
Tags: Laugh, Old, Show ✍ Author: Helen HuntLight and funny has a more compelling quality when you're younger. But I haven't abandoned the genre: I love falling down; I love Lucille Ball. It's just that a lot of those stories revolve around problems that I can't convincingly portray at this age.
Tags: Age, Funny, Love ✍ Author: Julia Roberts