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Manuel Puig's Quotes

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Born: 1932-12-28
Profession: Author
Nation: Argentinian
Biography of Manuel Puig

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Manuel Puig's quote #7

I only understand realism.

Tags: Realism, Understand

I think cinema is closer to allegories than to reality. It's closer to our dreams.

Tags: Cinema, Dreams, Reality

I would very much like to become a best-selling author.

Tags: Author, Become

I write novels because there is something I don't understand in reality.

Tags: Reality, Understand, Write

I've never seen a worse situation than that of young writers in the United States. The publishing business in North America is so commercialized.

Tags: America, Business, Young

If it's great stuff, the people who consume it are nourished. It's a positive force.

Tags: Great, Positive, Stuff

If the novelist shares his or her problems with the characters, he or she is able to study his personal unconscious.

Tags: Able, Problems, Study

In film, you can't go into analytical explorations because the audience will reject that.

Tags: Audience, Film, Reject

Ironically, Latin American countries, in their instability, give writers and intellectuals the hope that they are needed.

Tags: American, Give, Hope

It doesn't matter that the way of life shown by Hollywood was phony. It helped you hope.

Tags: Hope, Life, Matter

It's my own personal unconscious that ultimately creates the novel's aesthetic facade.

Tags: Aesthetic, Novel, Personal

Kafka truly illustrates the way the environment oppresses the individual. He shows how the unconscious controls our lives.

Tags: Individual, Lives, Truly

My greatest aspiration was always to live in the tropics.

Tags: Aspiration, Greatest, Tropics

My only fantasy about writing was that in my old days, after directing many masterpieces, I would write my memoirs.

Tags: After, Old, Writing

My pleasure was to copy, not to create.

Tags: Copy, Create, Pleasure

My stories are very somber, so I think I need the comic ingredient. Besides, life has so much humor.

Tags: Humor, Life, Stories

One performs a very different act when reading a movie and when reading a novel. Your attention behaves differently.

Tags: Act, Attention, Reading

Tardiness in literature can make me nervous.

Tags: Literature, Nervous

Teaching is a good distraction, and I am in contact with young people, which is very gratifying.

Tags: Good, Teaching, Young

The essayist has to follow a certain intellectual pattern. The novelist has the advantage of using fantasy, of being subjective.

Tags: Advantage, Fantasy, Follow

Whenever I write, I'm always thinking of the reader.

Tags: Thinking, Whenever, Write

Writers are not meant for action.

Tags: Action, Meant, Writers

Contrary to what Kafka does, I always like to refer all of my fictions to the level of reality, He, on the other hand, leaves them at an imaginary level.

Tags: Hand, Level, Reality
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I am very interested in what has been called bad taste. I believe the fear of displaying a soi-disant bad taste stops us from venturing into special cultural zones.

Tags: Bad, Fear, Special

I began teaching in New York because I needed to stay in the United States and didn't have my immigration papers in order, so working for a university was a way of resolving the issue.

Tags: Order, United, Working

I can work in films as long as the story doesn't have a realistic nature. If I'm working with an allegory, a fantasy, it can be developed in synthetic terms.

Tags: Nature, Work, Working

I do believe that reading can help you understand what you're writing and see what others are doing. But sometimes the desire for more information can act as an inhibitor.

Tags: Help, Understand, Writing

I started writing movie scripts. They excited me a lot, but I didn't like them when they were finished because they were simple copies of the films I saw in childhood.

Tags: Simple, Started, Writing

I write for somebody who has my own limitations. My reader has a certain difficulty with concentrating, which in my case comes from being a film viewer.

Tags: Film, Somebody, Write

I've always wondered why there isn't a great French novel about the German occupation. The nouveau roman authors weren't interested in telling that sort of thing.

Tags: Great, Interested, Why

If a spectator with a philosophical mind, somebody accustomed to reading books, gets the same kind of information in a movie, he might not fully understand it.

Tags: Mind, Reading, Understand

In a country like France, so ancient, their history is full of outstanding people, so they carry a heavy weight on their back. Who could write in French after Proust or Flaubert?

Tags: After, Country, History

It's essential not to have an ideology, not to be a member of a political party. While the writer can have certain political views, he has to be careful not to have his hands tied.

Tags: Political, While, Writer

Modern American cinema seems to me superficial. The intention is to understand a certain reality, and the result is nothing but a photographing of that reality.

Tags: American, Reality, Understand

Most of the movies I saw growing up were viewed as totally disposable, fine for quick consumption, but they have survived 50 years and are still growing.

Tags: Fine, Growing, Movies

The writer needs to react to his or her own internal universe, to his or her own point of view. If he or she doesn't have a personal point of view, it's impossible to be a creator.

Tags: Her, Impossible, Universe

All of my problems are rather complicated - I need an entire novel to deal with them, not a short story or a movie. It's like a personal therapy.

Tags: Problems, Rather, Short

I'm not terribly happy about rock and roll. Certain rock music is uninspiring, numbing; it makes you feel like an idiot.

Tags: Happy, Music, Rock

I allow my intuition to lead my path.

Tags: Intuition, Lead, Path

I believe that people who don't achieve anything in life are isolated and resent those that are successful.

Tags: Achieve, Life, Successful

I'm not a best-seller, but through translations, I've accumulated some money.

Tags: Money

The translator's task is to create, in his or her own language, the same tensions appearing in the original. That's hard!

Tags: Hard, Her, Language

We should try to understand our innermost needs. We shouldn't use irony to reduce their power.

Tags: Power, Try, Understand

What better model of a synthesis than a nocturnal dream? Dreams simplify, don't they?

Tags: Dream, Dreams, Model

What's better, a poetic intuition or an intellectual work? I think they complement each other.

Tags: Intuition, Poetic, Work

As a rule, one should never place form over content.

Tags: Content, Place, Rule

Book reviews have never helped me. Most of them erred in their interpretations and their work has been a waste of time.

Tags: Book, Time, Work

For someone who writes fiction, in order to activate the imagination and the unconscious, it's essential to be free.

Tags: Free, Order, Someone

Hitchcock makes it very clear to us. There's an objective and a subjective camera, like there's a third- and a first-person narrator in literature.

Tags: Camera, Literature, Makes

I am only interested in bad taste if I can enjoy a gruesome tango or watch a movie that makes me cry.

Tags: Bad, Enjoy, Makes

I believe realism is nothing but an analysis of reality. Film scripts have a synthetical constitution.

Tags: Analysis, Film, Reality

I didn't choose literature. Literature chose me. There was no decision on my side.

Tags: Choose, Decision, Literature

I don't have traceable literary models because I haven't had great literary influences in my life.

Tags: Great, Life, Models

I don't think humor is forced upon my universe; it's a part of it.

Tags: Forced, Humor, Universe

I don't want to name names, but the least I can say about rock and roll is that I'm suspicious.

Tags: Name, Names, Rock

I felt the need to tell stories to understand myself.

Tags: Felt, Tell, Understand

I had stories that needed more space than the hour and a half or two hours a movie gives you.

Tags: Half, Movie, Space

I have written every one of my novels to convince somebody of something.

Tags: Convince, Somebody, Written

I haven't been the kind of writer about whom book-length academic studies have been written.

Tags: Studies, Writer, Written

I like the beauty of Faulkner's poetry. But I don't like his themes, not at all.

Tags: Beauty, Poetry, Themes

I locate that special problem in a character and then try to understand it. That's the genesis of all my work.

Tags: Character, Understand, Work
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