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Marianne Wiggins's Quotes

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Born: 1947-09-08
Profession: Author
Nation: American
Biography of Marianne Wiggins

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Marianne Wiggins's quote #4
Marianne Wiggins's quote #5
Marianne Wiggins's quote #6
Marianne Wiggins's quote #7
Marianne Wiggins's quote #8

Because music is a language unto itself, when I'm writing, I need silence. I need to hear the music and the rhythms of the words inside my thoughts.

Tags: Music, Silence, Writing

I don't remember being a child, and that's why I think I'm so child-like now in my unending curiosity and approach to life.

Tags: Life, Remember, Why

I take the world very personally. I take history personally; I want to place myself in the larger context.

Tags: Context, History, Place

I will never turn to God.

Tags: God, Turn

I write on a visual canvas, 'seeing' a scene in my thoughts before translating it into language, so I'm a visual junkie.

Tags: Language, Thoughts, Write

I'm fascinated by the narrative of geology, and I'm a veritable pack rat of a collector on the road. I keep a rock hammer in my car.

Tags: Car, Keep, Rock

Asking anyone what she or he is reading is a necessary part of conversation, exchanging news. So I take recommendations from friends - and I always pass along a book I've loved.

Tags: Book, Friends, She

I was a very, very old child. Sometimes you meet a child who seems more like an adult. I think I was that type of child because I had a nearly fatal kidney disease when I was 9 years old.

Tags: Child, Old, Sometimes

I never felt I was incapable of succeeding because I felt confident I could always learn what I needed to know.

Tags: Felt, Learn, Needed

Teachers are by nature idealists, and they believe anything can be learned.

Tags: Learned, Nature, Teachers

Tell the story that's in your heart, and don't hold back. Write a book the reader will want to melt into.

Tags: Book, Heart, Tell

Writing is a struggle no matter what the genre.

Tags: Matter, Struggle, Writing

Honestly, the essence of publishing hasn't changed. Since the days of the cave man carving stuff on the cave walls, people have wanted stories, and storytellers have wanted an audience. That is still the case. The changes are really a matter of format.

Tags: Days, Matter, Wanted

I lived in upstate New York until I was ten years old and we moved overseas. I have a lot of nostalgic memories of that part of the world, and I love going back there by writing the Lakeshore books.

Tags: Love, Old, Writing

I love my life, my family and my friends, and I'm drawn to 'relationship' novels because of their affirming focus on the power of love to heal wounds and transform lives.

Tags: Family, Life, Love

I've always loved writing emotionally rich, character-driven novels that explore the way people fall in love and deal with life's triumphs and tragedies. I enjoy writing the contemporary and historical books equally, though perhaps 'enjoy' is the wrong word.

Tags: Life, Love, Writing

In all my novels, a sense of place - not just geographic but social - is a critical element. I have always been drawn to the novels of Edith Wharton, among others, where social dynamics are crucial. Wharton's class consciousness fascinates me, and some of the tension in my books stems from that.

Tags: Others, Place, Sense

Talent is required, but much of writing is a matter of craft, which develops with time, attention, patience and practice, like playing an instrument or learning to dance.

Tags: Learning, Patience, Time

Strong and convincing art has never arisen from theories.

Tags: Art, Convincing, Strong
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