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Metaphorical Quotes

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Metaphorical quote #1
Metaphorical quote #2

Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble.

Tags: Another, Religion, True  ✍ Author: Joseph Campbell

I've never felt the breath of God - you can take that statement literally or metaphorically - more than when I was yearning for a personal, intimate connection to something bigger than me.

Tags: Felt, God, Personal  ✍ Author: Vera Farmiga

If I'm writing, I'll say something metaphorical or approximate, whereas scientists are very precise.

Tags: Precise, Scientists, Writing  ✍ Author: Joyce Carol Oates

Fascist movements kill off their critics, literally or metaphorically, while democratic movements value, invite and even welcome criticism.

Tags: Criticism, Off, While  ✍ Author: Lilli Palmer

Also I just think I've been lucky enough to have great parents, and I've had good people around me who have always been honest with me, who would give me a purely metaphorical slap if I ever got too big for my boots.

Tags: Good, Great, Parents  ✍ Author: Daniel Radcliffe

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