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Middle School Quotes

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All through my life, I was hated on. When I was in middle school, they used to write in my rhyme book, 'You suck' or 'This sucks.'

Tags: Book, Life, School  ✍ Author: B.o.B

I started acting pretty young, so I haven't had too many odd jobs. But I used to sell candy out of my locker in middle school.

Tags: Pretty, School, Young  ✍ Author: Paul Dano

In middle school, I had an '87 Regal. That was unheard of.

Tags: Middle, School, Unheard  ✍ Author: Young Jeezy

Once your kid reaches middle school, parents are really supposed to fade out of the social picture. Kids are supposed to make their own plans, keep up with sophisticatedly crude discussions, and be able to go out on their own without supervision.

Tags: Keep, Parents, School  ✍ Author: Eva LaRue

In middle school, I really didn't have music, but in high school, I remember taking a lot of choir and drama.

Tags: Music, Remember, School  ✍ Author: Adam Lambert

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Middle School quote #2
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