Mindsets Quotes
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My greatest challenge has been to change the mindset of people. Mindsets play strange tricks on us. We see things the way our minds have instructed our eyes to see.
Tags: Change, Eyes, Greatest ✍ Author: Rick YuneFactors affecting effective regional cooperation are mindsets and perceptions emanating from the past.
Tags: Effective, Past, Regional ✍ Author: Khaleda ZiaDepending on what I'm working on, I come to the writing desk with entirely different mindsets. When I change form one to the other, it's as if another writer is on the scene.
Tags: Change, Working, Writing ✍ Author: Evan HunterRemember that mindsets can not be changed through force and coercion. No idea can ever be forcibly thrust upon any one.
Tags: Force, Idea, Remember ✍ Author: Pervez Musharraf