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Mutually Quotes

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Mutually quote #2

There is no disgrace in an enemy suffering ill at an enemy's hand, when you hate mutually.

Tags: Enemy, Hate, Suffering  ✍ Author: Sade Adu

It seems to me that a mutually beneficial relationship between a man and woman requires the man to be dominant. A sensible woman will allow the man to think he is the most important partner.

Tags: Between, Sensible, Woman  ✍ Author: Beryl Bainbridge

It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either.

Tags: Anger, Power, Time  ✍ Author: Wayne Dyer

Ideas which have been developed simultaneously or in immediate succession in the same mind mutually reproduce each other, and do this with greater ease in the direction of the original succession and with a certainty proportional to the frequency with which they were together.

Tags: Direction, Mind, Together  ✍ Author: Hermann Ebbinghaus

The amount of detailed information which an individual has at his command and his theoretical elaborations of the same are mutually dependent; they grow in and through each other.

Tags: Command, Grow, Individual  ✍ Author: Hermann Ebbinghaus

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