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National Television Quotes

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National Television quote #1
National Television quote #2

A lot of people don't know the first time I was ever on national television I was a 'Soul Train' dancer.

Tags: Soul, Television, Time  ✍ Author: Nick Cannon

I feel like more than 80% of the world wouldn't get up in front of 40 million people and dance on national television, and if I have the confidence to do that then that's a step ahead in my life for me in terms of personal goals. I will gain a lot of confidence on all aspects right there.

Tags: Confidence, Dance, Life  ✍ Author: Rob Kardashian

I could never have imagined that firing 67 people on national television would actually make me more popular, especially with the younger generation.

Tags: Actually, Generation, Television  ✍ Author: Donald Trump

I used to sneak up to the 8th floor and watch Eddie Murphy and Joe Piscopo rehearsing 'Saturday Night Live' and could only wonder if I would ever have the chance to be funny. It took me five years to go up the two stories, but it is such a sense of fulfillment to be able to show what I can do on national television.

Tags: Funny, Night, Sense  ✍ Author: Dana Carvey

Laura Bush went on national television during the week of my father's funeral and spoke out against embryonic stem cell research, pointing out that where Alzheimer's is concerned, we don't have proof that stem-cell treatment would be effective.

Tags: Against, Father, Research  ✍ Author: Patti Davis

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