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Neutrals Quotes

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Neutrals quote #1
Neutrals quote #2

It's really easy to get colors right. It's really hard to get black - and neutrals - right. Black is certainly a color but it's also an illusion.

Tags: Black, Easy, Hard  ✍ Author: Donna Karan

There is no reason why agreement on particular points should not be both possible and advantageous to the so-called neutrals and to one or more of the blocs, either existing or in the process of formation, within the League of Nations.

Tags: Both, Reason, Why  ✍ Author: Hjalmar Branting

There are only two sides to this question. Every man must be for the United States or against it. There can be no neutrals in this war; only patriots and traitors.

Tags: Against, Question, War  ✍ Author: Stephen Douglas

All metallics are neutrals. So it is absolutely fine to mix gold and silver; you just want it to look like it has purpose.

Tags: Fine, Gold, Purpose  ✍ Author: Stacy London

Cambodia wanted no part of SEATO. We would look after ourselves as neutrals and Buddhists.

Tags: After, Ourselves, Wanted  ✍ Author: Norodom Sihanouk

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