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Norbert Leo Butz's Quotes

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Born: 1967-01-30
Profession: Actor
Nation: American
Biography of Norbert Leo Butz

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Norbert Leo Butz's quote #4

I hate sitting around a table and talking about what a play might mean. I'm the person who's always like, 'Can we get up on our feet and just do it?'

Tags: Hate, Mean, Might

I have 10 brothers and sisters.

Tags: Brothers, Sisters

I make decisions quickly.

Tags: Decisions, Quickly

If you are opening a play, a play that's really about something, a play that's really about ideas, you have to find a way to sell that play.

Tags: Ideas, Opening, Sell

If you individualize an audience, it helps up the stakes of your responsibility to that audience.

Tags: Audience, Helps, Stakes

It's thrilling to be onstage and to not know, literally, what the next moment is going to bring. To just submit to the not-knowing-ness of it.

Tags: Bring, Moment, Next

I don't know if Jesus said it in the Bible, but someone said that 'the love of money is the root of all evil,' and I do think there's a correlation between the ambition that a lot of people have, in terms of financial remuneration, and the loss of core values.

Tags: Evil, Love, Money

I was in the original cast of 'Wicked', and that got a bad review in 'The New York Times,' and it's the most successful thing that's ever been put onstage.

Tags: Bad, Put, Successful
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