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North Koreans Quotes

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North Koreans quote #1
North Koreans quote #2

Some day, somebody is going to have to start talking about what happens to us all a decade from now if we let these North Koreans and the Iranians go forward with their nuclear weapons program.

Tags: Forward, Happens, Start  ✍ Author: Lawrence Eagleburger

The point is, once they have a missile that can hit the United States, we are now back in the kind of game we used to worry about with the Soviet Union, only the Soviet Union was more mature about this whole thing than I think the North Koreans will be.

Tags: Game, Whole, Worry  ✍ Author: Lawrence Eagleburger

The North Koreans or Chinese may have a million men in uniform but it's about how you perform.

Tags: May, Men, Million  ✍ Author: Philip Hammond

I would not suggest the U.S. should sit down with the North Koreans bilaterally immediately after they've fired missiles - because the appearance is that you reward bad behavior. But if North Korea behaves for some period of time, I would pretty much favor direct talks.

Tags: Bad, Pretty, Time  ✍ Author: Richard Armitage

When I was growing up, we were taught in school that North Koreans, and especially the North Korean leadership, were all devils.

Tags: Growing, Leadership, School  ✍ Author: Park Chan-wook

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North Koreans quote #2
North Koreans quote #2
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