Objectivity Quotes
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One thing a lyricist must learn is not to fall in love with his own lines. Once you learn that, you can walk away from the lyric and look at it with a reasonable degree of objectivity.
Tags: Away, Learn, Love ✍ Author: Hal DavidThere is also an artistic element which is lead by the film maker. Issues of what is reality and objectivity are as always relevant as someone is going to edit the film.
Tags: Film, Reality, Someone ✍ Author: Anthony EdwardsI didn't want to lose my subjectivity and my objectivity about my work.
Tags: Lose, Work ✍ Author: Vincent GalloEven scientific knowledge, if there is anything to it, is not a random observation of random objects; for the critical objectivity of significant knowledge is attained as a practice only philosophically in inner action.
Tags: Action, Knowledge, Scientific ✍ Author: Karl Jaspers