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Overcrowding Quotes

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On average, drug prisoners spend more time in federal prison than rapists, who often get out on early release because of the overcrowding in prison caused by the Drug War.

Tags: Often, Time, War  ✍ Author: Michael Badnarik

In the housing projects, people talked of ways to reduce crime, relieve overcrowding, and they were good ideas that we plan to study, and possibly implement.

Tags: Good, Plan, Study  ✍ Author: Jane Byrne

Some people say my work is often depressing and pessimistic, with the emphasis on death, blood, overcrowding, strange beings and so on, but I don't really think it is.

Tags: Death, Strange, Work  ✍ Author: H. R. Giger

I've learned a lot about stage-managing for illustration. Sometimes you have to delete characters from a scene just to keep from overcrowding the image. I've also learned to making big-scale design decisions early.

Tags: Design, Learned, Sometimes  ✍ Author: Scott Westerfeld

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