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Perl Quotes

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Perl quote #2

I've been singing properly every day since I was about fifteen or sixteen, and I have never had any problems with my voice, ever. I've had a sore throat here and there, had a cold and sung through it, but that day it just went while I was onstage in Paris during a radio show. It was literally like someone had pulled a curtain over it.

Tags: Here, Problems, Someone  ✍ Author: Adele

I've got absolutely no real perception, properly, of time.

Tags: Perception, Real, Time  ✍ Author: Sade Adu

Give a girl an education and introduce her properly into the world, and ten to one but she has the means of settling well, without further expense to anybody.

Tags: Education, Girl, Give  ✍ Author: Jane Austen

In this movie they took them up in space. They're floating around and doing zero gravity stuff. Well, they had to do it all on wires. All the wires had to be painted black against this black background. If you didn't light it properly you could see the wires. Drove them crazy!

Tags: Black, Crazy, Light  ✍ Author: John Badham

Writers aren't born properly labeled so it is hard to know one when one appears.

Tags: Born, Hard, Writers  ✍ Author: Walter Bagehot

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