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Re-Election Quotes

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Re-Election quote #1
Re-Election quote #2

I'm up for re-election in 2014, and yes I do plan to run for re-election.

Tags: Plan, Run, Yes  ✍ Author: Kay Hagan

Basically, the start of my thinking process is: 'OK, if you didn't have to worry about re-election, what would you be doing?' That's kind of how I'm starting to think.

Tags: Start, Thinking, Worry  ✍ Author: Ray Nagin

I am running for re-election no matter who runs.

Tags: Matter, Running, Runs  ✍ Author: Charles Rangel

During the campaign for re-election, Barack Obama at least made vague references to a willingness to accept $3 trillion of reduced spending in exchange for a $1 trillion dollar tax increase.

Tags: Accept, Spending, Tax  ✍ Author: Bob Beauprez

This November, with the re-election of President Barack Obama, this generation of Americans will ever expand upon the hope, the truth and the promise of America.

Tags: America, Hope, Truth  ✍ Author: Cory Booker

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Re-Election quote #2
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