Rebellious Quotes
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I was home-schooled, was always very close with my mom and was very straight-laced and square. I was never the rebellious one, and I never threw hissy fits.
Tags: Close, Mom ✍ Author: Brie LarsonIf there's anything I think that you've seen about me, it's that I'm the rebellious girl.
Tags: Girl, Seen ✍ Author: Aubrey O\'DayI was very rebellious.
✍ Author: Katey SagalI'm not that rebellious. There's a part of me that wishes I was that.
Tags: Wishes ✍ Author: Miranda CosgroveI was rebellious.
✍ Author: Adrian GrenierKids should be naughty and go through that rebellious phase I didn't have.
Tags: Kids, Naughty ✍ Author: Naomie HarrisI do think I have a rebellious, metal-loving rock chick inside of me.
Tags: Inside, Rock ✍ Author: KeshaI'm not really rebellious. People think I am, but I'm not.
✍ Author: Tom Sizemore