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Repetitive Quotes

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Repetitive quote #1
Repetitive quote #2

I'm always looking for films, but the horror scripts that I get tend to be very repetitive and often not that interesting.

Tags: Films, Looking, Often  ✍ Author: Joe Dante

Repetitiveness is one of the things that's most difficult to get away from in genre pictures, because people come specifically to see certain kinds of things but get disappointed if they're presented in the same way. So to try to find a new way to show old stuff is always the challenge.

Tags: Challenge, Old, Try  ✍ Author: Joe Dante

Here's a confession: I hate parenting books. I hate the ones that are earnest and repetitive.

Tags: Hate, Here, Parenting  ✍ Author: Bruce Feiler

Sometimes I have thought that a song should look disappointing on the page - a little thin, perhaps, a little repetitive, or a little on the obvious side, or a mixture of all of these things.

Tags: Sometimes, Song, Thought  ✍ Author: James Fenton

The Small Business 'common app' would function much like the one that students complete to apply to multiple colleges and universities simultaneously. It would ensure that small businesses across the country can concentrate on growing and creating jobs - not wasting time, filling out mountains of repetitive paperwork.

Tags: Business, Country, Time  ✍ Author: Kay Hagan

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