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Researchers Quotes

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In the frantic search for an elusive 'cure,' few researchers stand back and ask a very basic question: why does cancer exist? What is its place in the grand story of life?

Tags: Life, Place, Why  ✍ Author: Paul Davies

It turns out there's only 10 minutes of productive conversation in any family dinner. The rest is taken up with 'take your elbows off the table' and 'pass the ketchup.' And what researchers have found is you can take that 10 minutes and put it in any time of the day and get the benefit. So, if you can't have family dinner, have family breakfast!

Tags: Family, Put, Time  ✍ Author: Bruce Feiler

America's doctors, nurses and medical researchers are the best in the world, but our health care system is broken.

Tags: Best, Health, Medical  ✍ Author: Mike Ferguson

I align myself with almost all researchers in assuming that anything we do is a composite of whatever genetic limitations were given to us by our parents and whatever kinds of environmental opportunities are available.

Tags: Almost, Parents, Whatever  ✍ Author: Howard Gardner

Under-representation of women and other inequality among researchers is a problem that will not solve itself as women acquire competence.

Tags: Among, Problem, Women  ✍ Author: Tarja Halonen

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