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Respectively Quotes

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That men should live honestly, quietly, and comfortably together, it is needful that they should live under a sense of God's will, and in awe of the divine power, hoping to please God, and fearing to offend Him, by their behaviour respectively.

Tags: God, Men, Power  ✍ Author: Jose Manuel Barroso

Political and social events must also be effective, but not in a very obvious fashion. But political confusion and prolonged peace undoubtedly affect creative thought but whether they respectively hinder or help it is not at all certain.

Tags: Help, Peace, Political  ✍ Author: John Desmond Bernal

But whether, for example, a coat can be exchanged for twenty yards of linen cloth or for forty yards is not a matter of chance, but depends upon objective conditions, upon the amount of socially necessary labor time contained in the coat and in the linen respectively.

Tags: Chance, Matter, Time  ✍ Author: Tojo Hideki

We frequently define an acid or a base as a substance whose aqueous solution gives, respectively, a higher concentration of hydrogen ion or of hydroxide ion than that furnished by pure water. This is a very one sided definition.

Tags: Pure, Water, Whose  ✍ Author: Gilbert Newton Lewis

I've been in this business for a long time at my age, I've just turned 30, and I feel like my wife's career is going incredibly well, my kids are happy and healthy in schools, we've both been able to buy a house for our parents, respectively, in the places they live.

Tags: Age, Business, Time  ✍ Author: Ryan Phillippe

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