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Robbers Quotes

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It's a family that's loaded with grudges and passion. We come from a long line of robbers and highwaymen in Italy, you know. Killers, even.

Tags: Family, Line, Passion  ✍ Author: John Cage

The roads are filled with armed robbers, and murders for mere plunder are of daily occurrence.

Tags: Armed, Daily, Roads  ✍ Author: John White Geary

You have a couple of buddies sleep over, and, you know, you play cops and robbers. That I'm getting paid to do it now is kind of funny.

Tags: Funny, Getting, Sleep  ✍ Author: Chris O\'Donnell

Death Valley is really wide-open - it's bigger than Rhode Island - and it's less a part of California than an ungoverned territory, so there's lots of weird cops-and-robbers stuff going on.

Tags: Death, Less, Weird  ✍ Author: Gus Van Sant

The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be.

Tags: Laws, Order, Thieves  ✍ Author: Mike Tyson

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