Robert Ashley's Quotes

Born: 1930-03-28
Profession: Composer
Nation: American
Biography of Robert Ashley
Do not rely on unplanned music; it comes out as though it were planned, but planned by someone you cross the street to avoid.
Tags: Music, Someone, ThoughI was interested in opera and it seemed to me that the only possible theatre for contemporary opera would be television. So I started working towards a kind of television kind of opera.
Tags: Possible, Theatre, WorkingSnow is so common that I have omitted to note its falling at least two days out of Three.
Tags: Days, Snow, ThreeI had the Big Horn river explored from Wind River mountain to my place of embarkation.
Tags: Big, Place, WindIt appears from Mr. Smith's account that there is no scarcity of buffalo as he penetrated the country.
Tags: Buffalo, Country, ScarcityOn my passage thither, I discovered nothing remarkable in the features of the country.
Tags: Country, Passage, RemarkableThe only very rugged part of the route is in crossing the Big Horn mountain, which is about 30 miles wide.
Tags: Big, Mountain, WideThe snow continues with high winds we remain at this camp to day in consequence of the weather.
Tags: High, Snow, WeatherAfter an unremitting and severe labour of two days, we returned to our old encampment with the loss of some of my horses, and my men excessively fatigued.
Tags: After, Men, OldAfter the departure of the land parties, I embarked with six men on thursday, the 21st april, on board my newly made boat and began the descent of the river.
Tags: After, Men, ThursdayAs my men could profitably employ themselves on these streams, I moved slowly along, averaging not more than five or six miles per day and sometimes remained two days at the same encampment.
Tags: Men, Sometimes, ThemselvesHaving now reached a point where danger might be reasonably apprehended from strolling war parties of Indians, spies were kept in advance and strict diligence observed in the duty of sentinels.
Tags: Might, Point, WarMany of their lodges remained as perfect as when occupied. They were made of poles two or three inches in diameter, set up in circular form, and covered with cedar bark.
Tags: Bark, Perfect, ThreeSeveral speeches were made by the chiefs during the council, all expressive in the highest degree of their friendly disposition towards our government, and their conduct in every particular manifested the sincerity of their declarations.
Tags: Friendly, Government, SinceritySome of them profess to be well acquainted with all the principal waters of the Columbia, with which they assured me these waters had no connection short of the ocean.
Tags: Connection, Ocean, ShortThe principal or highest part of the mountain having changed its direction to east and west, I ascended it in such manner as to leave its most elevated ranges to the south and travelled north west over a very rough and broken country generally covered with snow.
Tags: Broken, Country, SnowThe weather was fine, the valleys literally covered with buffaloe, and everything seemed to promise a safe and speedy movement to the first grove of timber on my route, supposed to be about ten days' march.
Tags: Days, Promise, WeatherThese mountains appear to be almost entirely composed of stratas of rock of various colours (mostly red) and are partially covered with a dwarfish growth of pine and cedar, which are the only species of timber to be seen.
Tags: Almost, Growth, RockThese people were well dressed in skins, had some guns, but armed generally with bows and arrows and such other instruments of war as are common among the Indians of the Missouri.
Tags: Common, Guns, WarThey urged me to take up winter quarters at the forks of the Platt, stating that if I attempted to advance further until spring, I would endanger the lives of my whole party.
Tags: Spring, Until, WholeWe continued to move forward without loss of time, hoping to be able to reach the wood described by the Indians before all our horses should become exhausted.
Tags: Become, Forward, TimeWe remained at our encampment of this day until the morning of the 7th, when we descended ten miles lower down and encamped on a spot of ground where several thousand Indians had wintered during the past season.
Tags: Morning, Past, UntilWe were therefore obliged to unload our boats of their cargoes and pass them empty over the falls by means of long cords which we had provided for such purposes.
Tags: Empty, Means, Pass