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Sada Thompson's Quotes

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Born: 1927-09-27
Profession: Actress
Nation: American
Biography of Sada Thompson

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Sada Thompson's quote #1
Sada Thompson's quote #2

Human character is just endlessly fascinating, and there is no character who is one thing any more than any one person is just one thing. As you work on a character, he/she is revealed more and more. That's what I continue to love about the work.

Tags: Character, Love, Work

I saw stars like Helen Hayes, Maurice Evans, Tallulah Bankhead and Cornelia Otis Skinner. It was enchanting. I knew that was the world I wanted to be in.

Tags: Knew, Stars, Wanted

There's always something more to be accomplished with a character. Theater is a human experience. There's nothing shellacked or finished off about it. I guess that's why it always draws me back.

Tags: Character, Experience, Human

When you start off acting, it does seem very romantic, and the make-believe part of it all seems very exciting. It's only later that you begin to realize how fascinating the work is - that it's a bottomless pit, and you never get to the end of it.

Tags: End, Romantic, Work
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