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Silly Things Quotes

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Sometimes there are paparazzi that take photos and you don't know they're there. So you're laughing, kicking up your heels and doing silly things. You don't even realize it. And then there's other times where they're two feet away from your face and it's invasive and it feels threatening, so you don't want to be smiling.

Tags: Away, Sometimes, Times  ✍ Author: Dianna Agron

When you're young, you're stupid. You do silly things.

Tags: Silly, Stupid, Young  ✍ Author: Ozzy Osbourne

I was able to grow up and do silly things and have a life with only a small amount of public scrutiny.

Tags: Able, Life, Small  ✍ Author: Keisha Castle-Hughes

I only tweet about food and silly things, but it's really fascinating because I get a lot of response on Twitter, and I'm always looking at the type of people who write me on there, and it is such a variety.

Tags: Food, Looking, Write  ✍ Author: Sutton Foster

At an early school, when I was about 5, they asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. Everyone said silly things, and I said I wanted to be an actress. So that was what I wanted to be, but what I was, of course, was a writer.

Tags: Said, School, Wanted  ✍ Author: Tanith Lee

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