Slasher Quotes
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I get offered a lot of the same type of thing... The teenage slasher movies.
Tags: Movies, Offered, Teenage ✍ Author: Casey AffleckI never play a villain that I don't have something I can either do or say so the audience sees there is something redeemable about them. In other words, I don't want to do evil for evil's sake. I don't want to do Jason slasher movies. There's no point in that.
Tags: Evil, Movies, Words ✍ Author: Brion JamesNobody's favorite movie is some dark, dysfunctional slasher story. Everybody's favorite song is a sentimental song. So why all of a sudden is it bad to be sentimental in books?
Tags: Bad, Dark, Why ✍ Author: Mitch AlbomI'm less interested in slasher, and go more for roles that can affect you on a personal level. I'm interested in human empathy in the movies I see, and in the ones I am a part of.
Tags: Human, Movies, Personal ✍ Author: Joshua Leonard