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Social Security Reform Quotes

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Social Security Reform quote #1
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Americans need accurate information in order to consider Social Security reform. Too bad the media can't be counted upon to provide it.

Tags: Bad, Security, Social  ✍ Author: Herman Cain

There is a need for Social Security reform to ensure its stability, and Congress must act.

Tags: Act, Security, Social  ✍ Author: Grace Napolitano

I do think that Social Security reform needs to be bipartisan, and we are going to have to reach that in this debate at some time before we can find really meaningful reform.

Tags: Security, Social, Time  ✍ Author: Judy Biggert

The President's budget pays for only six months of the war in Iraq and completely overlooks the transition costs of Social Security reform. The Administration always lied about the cost of the Medicare drug bill.

Tags: President, Social, War  ✍ Author: Jim Cooper

I wish that the Democrats would put some effort into Social Security reform, illegal immigration's reform, tax reform, or some of the other real issues that are out there.

Tags: Put, Real, Wish  ✍ Author: Jack Kingston

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Social Security Reform quote #2
Social Security Reform quote #2
Social Security Reform quote #2
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