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South Korea Quotes

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South Korea quote #2

A number of Americans were used, most often unwillingly, by North Korea to arm spies with English-speaking skills so they could target American interests in South Korea and beyond.

Tags: American, Often, Used  ✍ Author: Richard Jenkins

The U.S. along with China, Japan, South Korea and Russia has an important role to play in containing North Korea's nuclear ambitions and exerting all the influence we can possibly exert.

Tags: Along, Influence, Role  ✍ Author: Zach Wamp

Part of my heritage being Korean, it's going to be interesting going to Korea and answering these questions dealing with North and South Korea.

Tags: Dealing, Questions, South  ✍ Author: Rick Yune

When I was growing up in South Korea in the '70s and early '80s, the country was too poor to buy original records. Everything was bootlegged.

Tags: Country, Growing, Poor  ✍ Author: Ha-Joon Chang

My father's biggest achievement was to motivate the South Korean people, to show them we could become prosperous if we worked hard. He taught me to love my country, and serve my country.

Tags: Father, Hard, Love  ✍ Author: Park Geun-hye

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