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Strong Sense Quotes

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Strong Sense quote #1
Strong Sense quote #2

Some moments it feels longer, other moments it feels like it's flown by; you can't believe you've done it all that time... Overall, you have a strong sense for the full spectrum that you've sort of traveled.

Tags: Done, Strong, Time  ✍ Author: Andre Agassi

I think the reason my stories have been so successful is that I have a strong sense of metaphor.

Tags: Sense, Strong, Successful  ✍ Author: Ray Bradbury

The Marines gave me a really strong sense of discipline and a work ethic that kicks in at my job.

Tags: Job, Strong, Work  ✍ Author: Drew Carey

My daughter has always had a strong sense of her own identity. From the day she was born her father and I were in love with and in awe of her and still are.

Tags: Father, Love, Strong  ✍ Author: Billy Eckstine

But I always need to identify with a character to write about him or her - and by 'identify,' I mean see the world through that person's eyes and have a strong sense of the inner logic of their acts and decisions, wacky or wrongheaded though they might be. In that sense, I think there's some of me in all of them.

Tags: Character, Mean, Strong  ✍ Author: Jennifer Egan

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Strong Sense quote #2
Strong Sense quote #2
Strong Sense quote #2
Strong Sense quote #2
Strong Sense quote #2
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