Stuart Pearce's Quotes

Born: 1962-04-24
Profession: Coach
Nation: English
Biography of Stuart Pearce
But to me the bottom line is the more education you can give yourself, and the more preparation you can do, the less chance of failing.
Tags: Education, Give, YourselfI am ready to work, I am ready for this job and I am ready for this challenge.
Tags: Challenge, Job, WorkFootball's in my blood - and eventually I want to be the one making decisions.
Tags: Decisions, Football, MakingI am doing the job with the mentality that I am going to be here a long time and I hope that I am.
Tags: Hope, Job, TimeI am nothing without the players.
Tags: PlayersI am one of those people who quite enjoys responsibility.
Tags: QuiteI have lived my life that way and I expect the people who work for me to be the same way.
Tags: Expect, Life, WorkI have made it totally clear to the players that my door will always be open.
Tags: Door, Open, PlayersI think management is about just that - managing people via man-to-man skills.
Tags: Management, Managing, SkillsI want them to be fully committed to the work place and fully committed to the people they work for.
Tags: Committed, Place, WorkThere is a set of rules and a code of conduct that I believe that you should adhere to in life.
Tags: Conduct, Life, RulesThe way I was brought up by my parents and guided through my football life by the influences of various managers means that in some ways I am black and white.
Tags: Football, Life, ParentsModern secular thought has its own dualism: It treats only the physical world as knowable and testable, while locking everything else - mind, spirit, morality, meaning - into the realm of private, subjective feelings. The so-called fact/value split.
Tags: Feelings, Mind, ThoughtPro-lifers have long been castigated for bringing private values into the public square. But actually it is the pro-abortion position that is based on merely personal views and values.
Tags: Actually, Personal, PublicThe costs of marriage breakdown are borne by the entire society, and therefore it is reasonable for the entire society to demand support for marriage - to insist that it is privileged both culturally and legally.
Tags: Marriage, Society, SupportThe genius of the American Founders was to create an intricate system of balanced powers both within the state and between state and society - a system that has fostered unprecedented political, social, and intellectual freedom.
Tags: Freedom, Political, SocietyThe word 'tolerance' once meant we all have the right to argue rationally for our deepest convictions in the public arena. Now it means those convictions are not even subject to rational debate.
Tags: Means, Once, WordVisit a typical science classroom and you will discover far more than empirical facts being taught. The dominant worldview among scientific intellectuals is evolutionary naturalism, which holds that humans are essentially biochemical machines.
Tags: Facts, Far, ScienceAmericans have grown impatient with the relentless politicizing of every area of life.
Tags: Grown, Impatient, LifeCompetition is always a good thing. It forces us to do our best. A monopoly renders people complacent and satisfied with mediocrity.
Tags: Best, Good, MediocrityIndigenous people have discovered that Christianity is not inherently Western but universal - 'translatable' into any cultural idiom.
Tags: Cultural, Universal, WesternMy aim in homeschooling is to give my children the ability to be an adult learner, a skill set that will last the rest of their lives.
Tags: Children, Give, LastVisit partners pages
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No matter how much you like your local school teacher, he or she is a government agent.
Tags: Government, School, TeacherPublic education grants secular worldviews an exclusive monopoly in the classroom.
Tags: Classroom, Education, PublicSchools ought to teach students to challenge secular ideologies masquerading as science in the classroom.
Tags: Challenge, Science, StudentsThe defense of marriage is the defense of freedom. Neither of which is obsolete.
Tags: Freedom, Marriage, NeitherThe human mind inherently seeks intelligible order. Thus the conviction that such an order exists to be found is a crucial assumption.
Tags: Found, Human, MindThe more we learn about life, the less plausible is any evolutionary theory that relies on blind, undirected, piece-by-piece change.
Tags: Change, Learn, LifeThe Tea Party has imparted political energy to common-sense American constitutionalism.
Tags: American, Energy, PoliticalUrban areas tend to attract members of the 'knowledge class' - people who work with ideas, data, information.
Tags: Ideas, Knowledge, WorkWe do not create marriage from scratch. Instead, in the elegant language of the marriage ceremony, we 'enter into the holy estate of matrimony.'
Tags: Holy, Language, MarriageAmerica faces a fundamental choice: either the blessings of liberty or the servitude of liberalism. In the political struggle for survival, one or the other is headed for extinction.
Tags: Blessings, Political, StruggleAmerica has always welcomed anyone willing to assimilate to its national character. But radical Islam rejects assimilation and is bent on the conquest of our national character.
Tags: America, Character, IslamAmerica is a knowledge-based society, where information counts as much as material resources. Therefore those with the power to define what qualifies as knowledge - to determine what are the accepted facts - wield the greatest social and political power.
Tags: Knowledge, Power, SocietyBeginning under the Roman Empire, intellectual leadership in the West had been provided by Christianity. In the middle ages, who invented the first universities - in Paris, Oxford, Cambridge? The church.
Tags: Beginning, Church, LeadershipDuring the first 13 centuries after the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, no one thought of setting up a creche to celebrate Christmas. The pre-eminent Christian holiday was Easter, not Christmas.
Tags: ThoughtHomeschoolers are the ultimate do-it-yourselfers. They are self-motivated and self-directed, independent-minded and creative. They are not content to turn their education of their children over to the government.
Tags: Children, Education, GovernmentIf pro-abortionists want to commit intellectual suicide and deny scientific facts, that's their problem. But there's no reason a civilized society should fund their anti-scientific outlook - or accept its inhumane consequences.
Tags: Problem, Reason, SocietyIn Gnosticism, the physical world did not ultimately matter - which meant physical suffering did not matter either. Seeking 'enlightenment' meant cultivating an attitude of detachment, even indifference.
Tags: Attitude, Matter, Suffering