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Sudden People Quotes

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Sudden People quote #1
Sudden People quote #2

You take all the things that frighten you, and when you can get them to work for you all of sudden people are calling you a success.

Tags: Calling, Success, Work  ✍ Author: Randy Bachman

If you say you're fat, all of a sudden people like you!

Tags: Fat, Sudden  ✍ Author: Valerie Bertinelli

Success made me self-sufficient, but it also took away my anonymity. I'm just this quiet nobody, and all of a sudden people are nervous around me. That was kind of weird.

Tags: Away, Success, Weird  ✍ Author: Lisa Bonet

I don't think anything can prepare you for a crew to come in and actually film you as yourself. It's kind of frightening to think that all of a sudden people are going to know how you are, and how you act on a day-to-day basis.

Tags: Act, Film, Yourself  ✍ Author: Elisha Cuthbert

I think the moral majority and religious right have been shrinking and having not quite as loud a voice in America, and all of a sudden people are coming to their own realizations going, 'Joe down the street is gay and he's a great guy.'

Tags: America, Gay, Great  ✍ Author: Jason Priestley

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Sudden People quote #2
Sudden People quote #2
Sudden People quote #2
Sudden People quote #2
Sudden People quote #2

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