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Tim Reid's Quotes

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Born: 1944-12-19
Profession: Actor
Nation: American
Biography of Tim Reid

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Tim Reid's quote #4

A film should be an experience. You should feel something. It should motivate you to feel something.

Tags: Experience, Film, Motivate

Black people don't even question things any more, they simply follow the lead.

Tags: Black, Question, Simply

Just having hope ain't going to cut it. You've got to have hope, passion and skills.

Tags: Cut, Hope, Passion

The business is so upside down now. It's not just about the bling-bling.

Tags: Business, Upside

Young kids are taking Viagra, ecstasy. They even want instant sex.

Tags: Kids, Sex, Young

How did we suddenly become entranced with gangster culture? I saw it this morning on campus. When did the black community say we should all look like criminals?

Tags: Become, Black, Morning

Ninety percent of the time, you're going to hear no. It took me seven years to make 'Once Upon a Time... When We Were Colored.' Nobody wanted to see the movie made. I got the movie made.

Tags: Once, Time, Wanted

When the media defines something, you have to question: Is it the definition that you want applied to your culture? I'm trying to determine who's leaving the legacy, and if the legacy that is being left is a positive one.

Tags: Leaving, Positive, Trying

Why would you create a movie for black people if you don't understand the history and perspective of the people you are doing it for? You need historical perspective to make sound decisions.

Tags: Black, History, Understand
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