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Unconscious Quotes

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A slight daily unconscious luxury is hardly ever wanting to the dwellers in civilization; like the gentle air of a genial climate, it is a perpetual minute enjoyment.

Tags: Air, Daily, Enjoyment  ✍ Author: Walter Bagehot

In my own life, I think legends of supernatural, mythic things are really just a manifestation of the collective unconscious. So I don't really get freaked out. I mean certainly, you read about things people did to each other in the pursuit of some mystical or occult goal, and it's horrifying. But that's just human nature.

Tags: Human, Life, Nature  ✍ Author: Alan Ball

You have to draw on your unconscious when you make a film - you can't worry about whether it's costing a lot of money.

Tags: Film, Money, Worry  ✍ Author: Guillaume Canet

The difference between Socrates and Jesus? The great conscious and the immeasurably great unconscious.

Tags: Between, Great, Jesus  ✍ Author: Thomas Carlyle

The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry.

Tags: Blind, Faith, Simple  ✍ Author: Richard Dawkins

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