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Undress Quotes

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Undress quote #1
Undress quote #2

We undress men and women, we don't dress them any more.

Tags: Dress, Men, Women  ✍ Author: Pierre Cardin

Every artist undresses his subject, whether human or still life. It is his business to find essences in surfaces, and what more attractive and challenging surface than the skin around a soul?

Tags: Business, Human, Life  ✍ Author: Winston Churchill

I dress for women and I undress for men.

Tags: Dress, Men, Women  ✍ Author: Angie Dickinson

Some people are cool with the fact that their bodies bear witness to this great thing they produced, their children, and I understand that. But on a personal level, it makes me feel better that my breasts are not down to my knees when I'm undressed in front of my husband.

Tags: Cool, Great, Husband  ✍ Author: Patricia Heaton

About the time you think you are getting to know the moves in this game, someone comes along and does everything but undress you on the basketball floor. Standing there under the basket with your hands cupped - and finding that you don't have the ball in them - is a great little old leveler.

Tags: Great, Someone, Time  ✍ Author: Tom Heinsohn

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