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Unique Experience Quotes

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Unique Experience quote #1
Unique Experience quote #2

We are creating a unique experience. It's starts with how you see the building from a distance.

Tags: Building, Experience, Unique  ✍ Author: Helmut Jahn

Everybody always tells you what an awesome and unique experience being a parent is. Words can never do the feeling justice.

Tags: Experience, Feeling, Justice  ✍ Author: Eric Church

The visceral experience of seeing a movie in three dimensions, coming at you in the theater, is obviously here to stay, because it is a unique experience. I think that kind of format is only appropriate for some genres, but I'm all for it.

Tags: Experience, Here, Unique  ✍ Author: Cary Elwes

I don't go to shows because I just want to listen to the music performed live. I want to get to know the person who's performing it. Or I want to, like, take away a sense that I had an experience that nobody else is going to have again, or a unique experience for that moment.

Tags: Experience, Moment, Music  ✍ Author: Sia Furler

Music is subjective to everyone's unique experience.

Tags: Everyone, Experience, Music  ✍ Author: Jared Leto

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Unique Experience quote #2
Unique Experience quote #2
Unique Experience quote #2
Unique Experience quote #2
Unique Experience quote #2
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