Upbringing Quotes
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A lot of my upbringing was about denying or fretting or evading.
Tags: Denying, Fretting ✍ Author: Jhumpa LahiriI would never wish my upbringing on anyone... but I wouldn't take it back for the world.
Tags: Anyone, Wish ✍ Author: Mary-Kate OlsenMy upbringing was very straightforward suburban working class upbringing.
Tags: Class, Working ✍ Author: Billy BraggI was sucked into this vortex of a very conservative upbringing.
Tags: Sucked, Vortex ✍ Author: Kevin CostnerI grew up just outside of Austin, and my upbringing was fairly rural.
Tags: Fairly, Outside ✍ Author: Amber HeardBecause of my Calvinistic upbringing, I was trained to think that what you do has to have a purpose.
Tags: Purpose, Trained ✍ Author: Anselm KieferI guess I had what you could call an unconventional upbringing.
Tags: Call, Guess ✍ Author: Joaquin PhoenixBy birth and upbringing, I think I'm emotionally resilient. I don't feel like I'm a depressive person.
Tags: Birth, Resilient ✍ Author: Eric SchlosserMy upbringing was absolutely not the archetypal writer's upbringing. Even, arguably, the opposite.
Tags: Opposite, Writer ✍ Author: Graham Swift