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Upsetting Quotes

See the gallery for tag and special word "Upsetting". You can to use those 7 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
Upsetting quote #1
Upsetting quote #2

It's upsetting to be a man in our society.

Tags: Society  ✍ Author: David Mamet

I do get clocked. But it's not invasive to the point where it's upsetting. It doesn't encroach.

Tags: Point  ✍ Author: Clive Owen

There was a lot of stress and assumptions made without me even saying anything, which was very upsetting.

Tags: Saying, Stress  ✍ Author: Craig Stevens

It's upsetting to me that you have to be a millionaire to invest in your friend's start-up.

Tags: Friend, Invest  ✍ Author: Fred Wilson

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Upsetting quote #2
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